Sunday, March 23, 2008


This morning we went to Pulaksi Heights for their Easter service. It was a beautiful service, complete with drums, trumpets and all of the choirs. Afterwards, we went to Loca Luna for brunch with a few friends. This evening Erin is cooking Moroccan pork tenderloin and Molly and Rob are coming over to eat with us. Hope everyone had a great Easter!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Match Day Pictures!

Match Day!

Match day has finally come! We've been waiting for what seems like years to find out where Erin will spend her residency and on Thursday we finally found out! Erin matched to the Obstetrics and Gynecology program at UAMS in Little Rock, so we will be staying in Little Rock for at least the next four years. We're both very excited and can't wait to see what happens next!

Here are a few pictures from match day...Erin reading her letter, the two of us, and Erin and her fellow OB/GYN interns!