Saturday, August 23, 2008

School started last Monday. It was a long week (isn't the first week of school supposed to be a short one?!?) both for me and the kids, but it went really well. I'm getting better at planning lessons and i'll eventually learn all of their names (there are 84 of them). Between teaching all day and cross country practice early in the morning, i'm tired, but its been fun. Erin's still on nights (only one more week!) and doing very well. She got to deliver twins the other night and from the sound of it the surrounding circumstances were absolutely perfect. We both have 3 day weekends next week for my birthday (or Labor Day, whichever you celebrate) so we're trying to decide what we're going to do...maybe we'll go to the beach. Who knows.
The picture is of John and Harriet's new schnauzer puppy. She's about 12 weeks old and yet to be named. They love Mercedes so much they decided to get one themselves! The puppy and Mercedes get along very well, sharing food and toys. It's pretty cute.
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